Does Chemical Signaling Play a Role in the Distributions of the Hercules Club Mud Whelk and Yellow-Striped Hermit Crab on the Cleveland Point Mudflat?
Hannah Lindstrom 2017
Abstract | |
Hermit crabs and gastropods form
the foundation of a complex marine ecosystem known as the gastropod shell
habitat web. Chemical signaling is known
to coordinate a wide range of life processes in both crustaceans and gastropods
and these signals are thought to play a role in structuring these ecosystems. However, there has been limited investigation
into the interplay between chemical communication and the distribution of
organisms within their habitat. Here, we
investigate the distribution and chemical relationship between a hermit crab, Clibanarius taeniatus, and its shell-supplying
gastropod, Pyrazus ebeninus, in a tidal mudflat at Cleveland Point in
Redlands City, Queensland, Australia. Our results indicate that these species are
not distributed randomly throughout their environment, with hermit crabs preferring
to exist near other hermit crabs, and gastropods preferring to exist near other
gastropods. Chemical signaling was also
found to likely play a role in this segregated distribution, with hermit crabs
preferentially moving toward a group of conspecifics in the absence of visual
cues. However, gastropods were not found
to preferentially move toward conspecifics in the absence of visual cues. Further studies should continue to examine the
chemosynthetic relationships of these ecosystems and how they help shape their
community structure.
Introduction | |
Hermit crabs and gastropods form the framework of a benthic marine
ecosystem known as the gastropod shell habitat web (McLean 1983). Gastropod shells are important resources that
provide shelter and attachment substratum for a multitude of diverse marine
organisms (McLean 1983). Although unable
to remove live gastropods themselves (Laidre 2011), hermit crabs play vital
roles in shell acquisition and in the transportation of shells through
ecosystems (McLean 1983). The inter- and intraspecific interactions
between hermit crabs and gastropods surrounding shell acquisition have been
well studied. Chemical signaling has
been found to play a critical role in the mediating these hermit crab-gastropod
interactions (Rittschof 1980a, b; Gherardi & Tricarico 2011). However, the non-shell based chemical
interactions within these shell-based communities have been less studied.
communication is highly species specific and dependent upon the functional
requirements of a species (Thiel & Breithaupt 2011). Crustaceans use chemical signals for a
variety of purposes, including larval settlement, parent-offspring
communication, mate finding, mate choice, aggressive contests, and establishing
dominance hierarchies (Thiel & Breithaupt 2011). Hermit crabs have additionally integrated
their chemical ecology with their need to locate gastropod shells (Rittschof
1980a,b; Rittschof 1990; Kratt & Rittschof 1991; Rittschof et al. 1992; Gherardi
& Tricarico 2011). The majority of
research into the chemical signals and cues used within Paguroidea has been
focused on crab-shell interactions (Gherardi & Tricarico 2011). Many of these studies focus on the response
of hermit crabs to odors given off by dead or dying gastropods and crushed
conspecifics (Rittschof 1980a,b; Rittschof 1990; Kratt & Rittschof 1991; Rittschof
et al. 1992). In addition, other studies
have explored the role of chemical cues in the ability of hermit crabs to
remember and distinguish social partners (Gherardi & Atema 2005a; Gherardhi
& Tricarico 2007). However, the role
chemical cues play in determining the distribution of hermit crabs throughout
their environment has received far less attention.
In 1983,
Croll comprehensively outlined the importance of chemical signaling in
gastropods and its associated physiology and biology. Croll’s study found that chemoreception plays
an important role in a number of gastropod functions including feeding, homing,
predator avoidance, and a range of social behaviors (Croll 1983). Since then, the chemical ecology of
gastropods within shell-based habitat webs has received far less attention in
literature, especially when compared with hermit crabs. The research that has been published in this
area has focused primarily on predator avoidance through both predator derived
chemical cues and conspecific alarms (Jacobsen & Stabell 2004; Keppel &
Scrosati 2004; Mach & Bourdeau 2011), interactions between native and
non-native species (Raw et al. 2013), and trail following (Ng et al. 2013). However, similarly to hermit crabs, the interaction
between gastropod chemical ecology and their distribution throughout their
habitat is yet to be explored.
the role chemical cues play is crucial to gaining a greater understanding of
the factors that shape marine ecosystems and their community structure (Hay
2009). Although chemical signaling has
been studied in gastropods and hermit crabs, the impact of chemically mediated
behaviour on the ecosystem and community structure of shell-based habitats has
been unexplored. To date most studies on
chemoreception in hermit crabs and gastropods have focused on their behavioural
response to specified chemical cues associated with particular events (e.g.,
odours given off by conspecific hemolymph, dead gastropods, non-native species,
predators, etc.). However, understanding
the chemically mediated behaviour of marine organisms under neutral conditions
is just as important as understanding reactions to specified chemical cues. Chemical cues are pervasive throughout all
marine systems at every scale (Hay 2009) and in order to understand how these
cues impact the distribution of organisms, we must know more about the
intrinsic chemosynthetic relationships between organisms.
This study will investigate the
involvement of chemical signaling in the distribution of hermit crabs and their
shell-supplying gastropod throughout a tidal ecosystem. This will be addressed through laboratory
experiments and an observational study conducted on the Cleveland Point mudflat
in Redlands City, Queensland, Australia using yellow-striped hermit crabs (Clibanarius taeniatus) and Hercules
club mud whelks (Pyrazus ebeninus). As a preliminary study to assess whether P. ebeninus and C. taeniatus specimens exist closer to individuals of their own
species in the field, we tested the hypothesis that: (1) the identity
composition of a specimen’s five nearest neighbours in the field would vary
dependent on whether that specimen was P.
ebeninus or C. taeniatus. The results of this preliminary study
provided the rationale to investigate whether chemical cues were involved in determining
these species’ segregated distributions.
To address this question we also asked the hypotheses that: (2) P. ebeninus would prefer to move towards
members of its own species and away from C.
taeniatus in the absence of visual cues,
and (3) that C. taeniatus would prefer
to move toward members of its own species and away from P. ebeninus in the absence of visual cues.
Materials and Methods |
Field Site | |
I conducted an observational field study on 17th and 26th of May 2017 at the Cleveland Point mudflat in Redlands City, Queensland, Australia (27°30’52.8”S, 153°17’19.7”E) (Figure 1). This mudflat is located on the shoreline of Moreton Bay. Both studies were conducted one hour either side of the low tide, which was at 8 AM on the 12th at a height of 0.79 meters, and at 4:15 PM on the 17th at a height of 0.22 meters. The weather was clear and sunny, with temperatures reaching a maximum of 25°C on both days. The wind reached a maximum speed of 22.3 km/hr on both the 12th and 17th, however, at the time of the study no wind was present on either day.
Figure 1 |
Observational Field Study | |
I navigated the Cleveland Point mudflat by randomly choosing a direction and random number of steps between 1-50 from a random number table. Once these directions had been followed, I located the nearest Hercules club mud whelk specimen and recorded the identities of its five nearest neighbours (yellow-striped hermit crab or Hercules club mud whelk). This process was repeated 36 times (n=36).
I then repeated the same process for the hermit crabs by moving about the mudflat in the same random manner, locating the nearest yellow-striped hermit crab, and recording the identities of its five nearest neighbours (yellow-striped hermit crab or Hercules club mud whelk). This process was repeated 32 times (n=32).
Each hermit crab and snail specimen was sorted into a category based on the number of snail and crab neighbours the specimen had. This was done such that there were six categories, which are defined as follows:
1. Zero snail neighbours, five crab neighbours
2. One snail neighbour, four crab neighbours
3. Two snail neighbours, three crab neighbours
4. Three snail neighbours, two crab neighbours
5. Four snail neighbours, one crab neighbour
6. Five snail neighbours, zero crab neighbours
This count data was then combined into a 2x6 contingency table and a chi-squared analysis was performed in R studio to compare the neighbour compositions of hermit crabs and mud whelks. This was done using R studio's chisq.test function.
Lab Experiment | |
I collected roughly 25 Hercules club mud whelks and 25 yellow-striped hermit crabs from the field site on both the 12th and 17th of May 2017. These organisms were kept separately in large eskies filled with sediment and seawater collected from the field site. The water in each esky was kept oxygenated with a bubbler and the sediment was placed in such a way that organisms could choose to be submerged or out of the water. All experiments were performed within three days of specimen collection and all specimens were subsequently released to the field site.
A 44 x 31 cm white plastic container was filled with 2 cm of seawater and 0.1 cm of sediment collected from the Cleveland Point mudflat. This container was divided in two by a barrier that somewhat restricted water flow. This barrier was connected to an 8 x 13 cm decision chamber that was open to both sides of the container. Four mud whelks were placed into this container and enclosed in a corner by a barrier that sat above the water. Four hermit crabs were placed in the opposite corner and also enclosed within a similar barrier that sat above the water. Although these enclosures did not restrict water flow, they did restrict vision (Figure 2). A specimen was then place inside the decision chamber, and the side it chose to exit was recorded (which contained either whelks or hermit crabs). This process was repeated 50 times for the hermit crabs (n=50) and 14 times for the whelks (n=14). The sediment in the decision chamber was stirred between each trial to ensure that the organisms were not simply following each other’s path. For the whelks, the sediment inside the decision chamber was removed to reduce stimuli inside the chamber and stimulate a faster decision. Each trial took roughly between one and five minutes per hermit crab, and between one and four hours per whelk.
A two-sided, one-sample proportion test was conducted using R studio to test for the significance of the decisions made by the hermit crabs based on the number of specimens that exited each side of the decision chamber. This was done using R studio’s prop.test function, and this process was repeated for the whelks.
Time lapses of hermit crab and whelk exiting decision chamber into container side with hermit crab enclosure.
Figure 2 |
Results | |
Observational Study:
A Chi-square analysis comparing the composition of the five nearest neighbours of mud whelks and hermit crabs found a significant interaction. Results of the field study showed that the composition of neighbours varied based on the specimen’s species identity X2(5, N=68) = 59.4, p < 0.001 (Figure 3). The majority of specimens were surrounded by five neighbours of its same species, with 62.5% of crab specimens having five crab neighbours, and 69.4% of snail specimens having five snail neighbours. Only 3.1% of crab specimens were surrounded by more snail neighbours than crab neighbours, and only 5.6% of snail specimens were surrounded by more crab neighbours than snail neighbours.
Lab Experiment:
The results of a two-sided, one-sample proportion test found that the hermit crab specimens placed in the decision chamber chose to exit into the side of the container containing hermit crabs significantly more than they chose to exit into the side containing whelks X2(1, N=50) = 7.22, p < 0.01. The proportion of hermit crab specimens that exited into the side of the chamber containing hermit crabs was 0.7 (95% CI: 0.55, 0.82) (Figure 4).
The results of a two-sided, one sample proportion test found that the whelk specimens placed in the decision chamber did not significantly exit into either side of the container more than the other X2(1, N=14) = 0, p = 1. The proportion of whelk specimens that exited into the chamber containing whelks was 0.5 (95% CI: 0.27, 0.73) (Figure 4).
Figure 3 |
Figure 4 |
Discussion | |
Although both species existed
across the entire mudflat, specimens did appear to aggregate in areas with certain
environmental conditions. The whelks
were observed to exist at the highest densities in areas of soft, muddy
sediment, that were not inhabited by fiddler crabs, on the edges of tidal pools
(Figure 6). On the other hand, the
hermit crabs seemed to exist at the highest densities in submerged seagrass
meadows within the mudflat, where they appeared to form clear aggregations
(Figures 7 & 8). These observations
suggest that resource partitioning may also play a role in determining the distributions
of these two species. However, because
both specimens did not exclusively occur in these regions and were found in the
majority microhabitats across the mudflat, there are perhaps other factors
impacting the distributions of these organisms within their environment.
The results
of the observational field study show that the neighbour compositions of the
two species did indeed vary, with P.
ebeninus specimens being surrounded primarily by other whelks and C. taeniatus specimens being surrounded
primarily by other hermit crabs. Because
the nearest neighbour composition varied based on species, it can be inferred
that these species are not distributed randomly throughout their environment. The findings also support the assumption that
hermit crabs prefer to exist near hermit crabs and whelks prefer to exist near
whelks. This provided both a rationale
performing the lab experiment and an expectation that hermit crabs specimens
should prefer to move toward other hermit crabs and whelk specimens should
prefer to move toward other whelks.
The results of the lab experiment
indicate that the hermit crabs were indeed able to sense chemical cues in the
water and had a preference to move toward conspecifics rather than whelks. This indicated that they are likely playing a
role in determining the distribution of these organisms in their
ecosystem. However, we are unable to
determine whether these hermit crabs were attracted to a chemical signal
produced by the group of conspecifics or repelled by a signal produced by the
group of whelks. Based on the results of
Gherardi & Atema (2005b), it is unlikely that live chemical cues given off
by live gastropods are repelling the hermit crabs. In Gherardi & Atema’s study hermit crabs
were found to be insensitive to odours given off by live snails (Gherardi &
Atema 2005b). On the other hand, the
results of the gastropod trials indicate that the snails had no preference to
move toward either a group of conspecifics or a group of hermit crabs. However, this is not necessarily an
indication that the gastropods were unable to detect chemical signals or that
they do not respond to them. These
inconclusive results simply indicate that the whelks did not have a preference
to move toward a group of conspecifics under this particular set of
experimental conditions. It is possible
that the container used in the experiment was small enough that the specimens
felt close enough to the whelks on when exiting either side of the decision
chamber. It is also possible that the non-random
distribution of whelks in the field is the result of a chemical cue from an
organism not used in this experiment.
Resource partitioning is also thought to play a role in these species’
non-random distributions, so future experiments would be needed to assess its
relative contribution and how it relates to chemical communication.
Due to time constraints, control
experiments could not be conducted, making the results of this experiment a bit
unreliable. Future studies could be
improved by including a series of three control experiments with: (1) no
organisms in either enclosure, (2) hermit crabs in one enclosure and no
organisms in the other, and (3) gastropods in one enclosure and no organisms in
the other. This would allow us to
ensure that the experimental set up was not biased toward either side of the
container and also determine whether the organisms were responding to inter- or
intraspecific chemical signals.
overwhelming majority of studies previously conducted on the chemical ecology
of gastropods and hermit crabs within gastropod shell-based communities have
focused on shell acquisition (Rittschof 1980a,b; Rittschof 1990; Kratt &
Rittschof 1991; Orihuela et al. 1992; Rittschof et al. 1992; ch15 textbook;
Tricarico et al. 2011; De Souza et al. 2016).
It is hard to make comparisons between our study and the conclusions
drawn in these previous studies because the majority of them have simulated
particular events to assess the response of their organism (i.e. ones that
would signal that availability of a gastropod shell). Also, the studies that have investigated the
response of hermit crabs to live conspecifics and gastropods gauged their
response through shell investigatory behaviour (Tricarico et al 2011). There is also little information in literature
to compare the gastropod experimental results to as the majority of studies
have looked at gastropod response to predator-related chemical stimuli, and C. taeniatus is not known to predate
upon P. ebeninus (Jacobsen &
Stabell 2004; Keppel & Scrosati 2004; Mach & Bourdeau 2011).
Given the
broad scope of life processes thought to be coordinated by chemical
communication in both gastropods and crustaceans (Kohn 1961; Croll 1983; Thiel
& Breithaupt 2011), it is very likely that chemical cues do play a role in determining
the distribution of these organisms across their habitat. We know chemical cues are being utilized by
these organisms because of the extensive research exploring their role in
mitigating the movement of shells through these habitats (Rittschof 1980a,b;
Rittschof 1990; Kratt & Rittschof 1991; Orihuela et al. 1992; Rittschof et
al. 1992; Gherardhi & Tricarico 2011; Tricarico et al. 2011; De Souza et
al. 2016). Because chemical
communication is subject to such rapid evolutionary change (Thiel &
Breithaupt 2011), it is possible that these shell-based habitat webs have an
extensive and complex chemical ecology that is involved in far more than shell
exchange alone. It is important to
understand the intrinsic chemical relationships between these organisms and the
role these relationships play in why these species are distributed the way in
which they are. Future research should
move toward investigating the extent to which chemical communication is utilized
in these ecosystems and the processes in which it is involved.
Figure 5 |
Figure 6 |
Figure 7 |
Acknowledgements | |
I would like to thank James Eccles for helping me conduct both my field study and lab experiment. I would also like to thank the tutors, along with Bernie and Sandie Degnan for providing guidance during the course of this project.
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